Grid Gammonのサポートから頂いたメールが、いろいろと役に立つこと、知っておくべきことがあったので
・Grid Gammonではお互いに敬意をもち、スポーツマンシップにのっとって全ての試合を一定の期間内に終わらせてください。
具体的には、Unfinished Match(終わっていない試合)が10試合以上になると会員権が停止され、
・ /helpとタイプすることで、さまざまなショートカットを学ぶことができます。
・あなたのマッチを保存するために、また全てのアイコンや旗を正常に表示するためにかならず管理者としてGrid Gammonを実行してください。
a, GGのデスクトップアイコン(ショートカット)を右クリックしてください。
b, メニューのプロパティを選択してください。
c, ショートカットタブを選び、その中にある詳細設定を選んでください。
d, 管理者として実行をチェックし、OKを押してください。
e, ショートカットタブに戻りますので、またOKを押してください。
f, その後普通にログインしてください。
- The Standard of the GridGammon community...
GridGammon is a private club, hosting backgammon enthusiasts from all over the world. Like any brick and mortar club, all community members agree to regard each opponent with respect, and to complete all matches in a sportsmanlike and timely manner. Mutual respect and good sportsmanship allow everyone to enjoy their GridGammon experience. By logging in to GridGammon, all community members agree to, and are held to, this Standard.
Community members who disregard this Standard, either through discourteous behavior or accumulating unfinished matches, jeopardize playing privileges.
*Any member who accumulates 10 unfinished matches is subject to suspension. The suspended account may be considered for reinstatement only after the unfinished matches have been resolved by GridGammon Support.
- In order to maintain privacy, we suggest to all our young members, that personal information such as last name, address, age, photo, etc.,
be kept private.
In the event it becomes necessary, GridGammon provides two features which will prevent specific members from contacting you.
Right-click on a player nickname, to display a context menu. Within that menu, you will find several options, including Gagged and Blinded. The gag feature will prevent the gagged player from chatting with you, and prevent you from seeing all public and private chat written by the gagged player. The blind feature will prevent the blinded player from watching you play.
- Please understand the importance of quiet, if you choose to watch other players' matches.
- You will be responsible for everything that happens with your account, so you should keep your password private, and not share with friends.
- Unrated matches are a great way for new players to practice. There is also an option for the Unlimited match, which is also unrated.
- Type /help in any chat field to display additional tips and shortcuts.
The download site for Windows software is
**Please note the login requirement for all Windows operating systems released after XP. To ensure that your matches are saved correctly, and that graphics (icons, flags, etc.) are displayed in the lobby, you must set permissions for GridGammon to "Run as administrator". (This is not the same as being the Administrator on your computer.)
There are two options:
Option #1 - This option must be performed with every login
a.. With each login, right-click on your GridGammon Desktop icon and choose "Run as Administrator".
Option #2 - This option is performed one time (unlike Option #1), and is in effect until you reverse the setting.
a.. Right-click on your GridGammon Desktop (shortcut) icon.
b.. From the menu, left-click on Properties (Properties should be the last menu item.).
c.. Left-click on the Shortcut tab, and left-click on Advanced.
d.. Place a check in the "Run as administrator" box and click OK.
e.. You will return to the Shortcut pane; click OK.
f.. Proceed with log in.
You can reverse this setting by following the same path, and removing the check from the "Run as administrator" box.
When you log in to GridGammon, go to Options -> Password, and create a new password that you will remember.